Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Spice Medicine and Oxygen Part 1

Tamaric, Garlic and more......................

Spices have comprised the major part of the indigenous pharmacopeia — "spice medicine" seems to be a suitable name for it — throughout history in all parts of the world. Among practitioners of that art, the ancient Indians and Chinese were the most advanced. The hill that separated India and China never fully prevented discourse among the peoples of those lands. Indeed, the most highly recommended and most commonly prescribed spices (as well as plant-based remedies) in Ayurvedic medicine and traditional Chinese medicine are the same. Furthermore, Greco-Roman medicine was essentially based on the two older systems of India and China.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Food that Heal

BITTER GREENS Salad and more for Spring Cleansing

Spring is here and it’s time to eat bitter greens to clean the liver, the bitter / the better. The liver rarely tells you directly when it’s upset or if it needs your attention. It does tell you indirectly, you’ll notice, when it starts to function or perform poorly. How will you know it’s functioning poorly~ For starters, your skin will look older then it should be, you’ll see more blemishes, more pimples, more marks, and more rashes than normal. You can help the liver’s regenerative process by adding better greens, herbs and other nutrients to your diet: Rather than indulging in heavy dishes, fried pastries and bottles of wine add some of these nutritious foods to your diet and
 give yourself and your liver a true gift
Here are two Spring bitter greens salads, YUM, YUM, Enjoy

Spring Mix Salad: Spring mix w/ herbs (a whole pile of it), Pine nuts (about 2 tablespoons)

Dressing: Ginger Sesame Lime Dressing (also about 2 tablespoons)
Bland a tablespoon grated ginger, Juice of 1 lime, Tablespoon of Tahini, 1/3 cup of olive oil

The benefit:
Spring mix has a few bitter leaves in it. You can add more endive or more radicchio.
Greens cleanse and deodorize your insides. They also have antioxidant action, and all greens are alkaline (reduces the inflammatory effects of acid-forming foods like tomatoes, cheese, wheat… basically everything in pizza)
Pine nuts have many beneficial oils and help curb appetite.
Ginger has crazy antioxidants and helps cut mucous, hence, clearing congestion.
Dressing should contain cold-pressed olive oil because it helps your body absorb the fat-soluble good stuff in the leaves. Happy eating, enjoy!

Spring Dandelion Salad: 1 small bunch Dandelion Greens, 1 small head chicory, 1 small head radicchio

1/2 medium lemon, juiced
2 Tbs. Fresh-grounded thyme leaves
Cayenne pepper, to taste
1/4-cup olive oil
Dandelion flower or other edible flowers optional

Wash dandelion greens, chicory, and radicchio, Remove and discard tough stems, and tear into 2-inch pieces. Combine in medium bowl, and set aside. Add lemon juice, thyme, and cayenne in small bowl, and whisk together and mix. Whisk in olive oil to form emulsion and Season with Celtic sea salt and pepper to taste. Drizzle just enough dressing over greens to lightly coat leaves; toss and mix well. Scatter dandelion or edible flowers on top of salad, and serve. I Love eating flowers. Enjoy the Magic

Healing with Herbs

Spring Liver Support Herbs

  • Milk Thistle (Silybum marianus) is an excellent and highly regarded liver tonic. (Milk Thistle is also regarded as a potent antioxidant.
  • Dandelion Rt. (Taraxacum officinale) provides cleansing of the liver, pancreas, gall bladder & spleen. contains bitter principles, which have a beneficial tonic effect on the liver and digestive system. It is considered a very effective general tonic and is known to support healthy bile flow. Dandelion also supports gall bladder functioning. It is a rich source of vitamins and minerals, including Vitamin A, D, and C, various B Vitamins, iron, lecithin, silicon, potassium, magnesium, zinc and manganese.
  • Vervain Rt.(Verbena officinalis) has been traditionally recommended as a liver tonic but is also known to have a number of other health promoting properties it is Anti-inflammatory and calms the nerves
  • Gentain Rt. this liver & gall bladder tonic promotes bile flow & helps in liver colic it also helps liquefy bile.
  • Cayenne stimulates the digestive secretions & cleansing processes of the body

· Oregon Grape Rt. stimulates saliva & bile secretions.

  • Golden Seal Rt. The bitters within it promote the functioning of the liver, and actively aid in stimulating the appetite and this results in an improved digestion in the body

All the above effectively stimulate the liver and gallbladder, improve digestion, help detoxify as well as create new and healthy liver cells. A must for any spring cleanse, and a good tonic for anyone who has overindulged (food, alcohol, etc). You can make your own tonic and tea or get the herbs in a tincture form (make sure it is alcohol free). You can also buy in c Vegan Capsules. Please research the herbs some more before taking them,

2-Day Purifying Raw-Food Program and a 3-Day Juice Fast

Liver Five-day Cleansing and Detoxification Program

IMPORTANT NOTICE: Make sure you do enemas, colonic and or take a laxative tea as you are doing the Liver cleanse. Keep your bowels flowing and avoid a healing crisis.

Day 1: Upon arising drink 8 ounces of distilled water

Breakfast: This is a great way to start your day. The water rinses and flushes your digestive tract of any leftover food and digestive juices. Within 1 hour prepare for the following Morning Drink: Morning Drink (Liver & Gallbladder Flush) (Mix in a Blender) (in Spring and Summer) 8 ounces of fresh orange juice or a citrus juice combination (1 lemon or 1 lime and enough orange, grapefruit or tangerine to make 8 ounces) or (in Fall and Winter ) 8 ounces of fresh apple and/or grape juice

  • 8 ounces of Distilled Water
  • 1-5 clove(s) of garlic (start with one and increase daily)
  • 1-5 tablespoon(s) of organic virgin cold-pressed olive oil (start with one and increase daily)
  • 1 small piece of fresh Ginger Root (about 1 inch long)

15 minutes after this drink, consume 2 cups of your Detoxification Tea. Consume 2 droppers full of your tonic, tea or tincture 4 times daily during this cleanse. Take in a few ounces of water. It should be quite bitter.

Day #1 Breakfast - FRESH fruit or vegetable juice is the best way to get your Vitamins, Minerals and other Essential Nutrients. They are also very important for cleansing and detoxification. If you are hungry before lunchtime you may have fruit, diluted fruit juices, and fruit smoothies. Stop all fruit or fruit juices at least 1 hour before lunch. It is best while on this program not to mix fruit and vegetables together.

Day #1 Lunch - For lunch you can have diluted fresh raw vegetable juices, raw vegetables alone or in salads (dandelion, mustard greens, chicory, garlic, sprouts-See salad recipes below), potassium broth, and herb teas. You may make dressings for the salad if you like using Olive oil, Avocado, Raw Apple Cider Vinegar, Lemon Juice, Garlic, Onions and any Herbs and Spices.
Afternoon Snacks: Raw vegetables, raw vegetable salads, diluted vegetable juices, sprouts, potassium broth and herb teas. All vegetable food must be stopped by 6 p.m.

Day #1 Dinner - Diluted fruit juices, fruits, fruit smoothies, fruit salads and herb teas.

Day #2, #3 and #4: Now we begin the 3-day fast. Start with your water, morning flush drink and herbal tea. Diluted fruit juices and herb tea until noon, diluted vegetable juices, Potassium Broth and herb tea mid-day and afternoon and diluted fruit juices and herb tea again in the evening. Consume at least 1 gallon (128 ounces) of liquid. That is 8 ounces every hour! If you get hungry, DRINK MORE!!!

Potassium Broth Recipe
This is a great-tasting addition to your cleansing program. It will flush your system of toxins, poisons and unwanted salts and acids while giving you a concentrated amount of vitamins and minerals.
Fill a large pot with 25% potato peelings, 25% carrot peelings and whole chopped beets, 25% chopped on-ions including 50 cloves of garlic, 25% celery and dark greens. Add hot peppers to taste. Add enough distilled water to cover vegetables and simmer on very low temperature for 1-2 hours. Strain, or just dip your mug in, and drink only the broth. Put the vegetables in your compost. Make enough for two days, refrigerating the leftover broth. It is important to use Organic vegetables. We do not want to consume any toxic insecticides, pesticides or inorganic chemical fertilizers while we are on a cleansing and detoxification program.

Day #5: Today is the day to break your fast. Make this day the same as day #1. Continuation of the fast with your morning drink and then you can have some fresh fruit. Chew it very slowly and mix each mouthful with plenty of saliva. Remember, breaking your fast is a very important part of this program. Chew your food well and eat until satisfied, not full. You can always eat more later if you are still hungry.

After 1:00 PM you may have a small vegetable salad, and fruit again in the evening, chewing everything to a liquid pulp. Remember, this program restricts the types of food you will be eating, not the amount. If you are hungry at any point during this detoxification program, drink and/or eat more. The more you eat and drink, the more you will flush the toxins out of your body. Also remember to have a fun time. Your positive, healing attitude is most important to achieve maximum benefits out of this program; be loving to yourself. Take it easy when returning to a new healthy food program. Choose lighter foods for a few days and be careful not to overeat. Chew your food well. Eating smaller meals more often is better than one or two large meals. Enjoy your new set of values on food choices and amounts. For the best health, become a vegetarian. Repeat this program until you are well but do it at least once every 3 months.

More Tips for Spring Cleansing & Spiritual Renewal ...

Dr. Elson Haas : Physician - Healer - Author - Teacher ...

  1. Feel the power of Nature all around you and within you. Know that this awesome force is available to you, and allow it to influence the course of your life and health. Identify the areas of your life that need some work and plan specific improvements that incorporate the changing seasons. Allow yourself to visualize your Perfect Life, and nourish that vision through your cleansing and renewal process.
  2. Spring is the time for renewing your life - letting go of what you don't need (physical, mental, and emotional habits that undermine your health) and bringing in what you need anew (accepting positive health habits that will satisfy your soul). Take a break from the TV to be more creative, or read by candlelight without the electrical vibrations at night, or just sit quiet to meditate and listen.
  3. Get more outside exercise and spend more time in Nature. Take hikes, plant a garden, or work in a community garden. Create a balanced fitness program or modify the one you are already following that will support your healthy, body/mind happiness. Working up a sweat helps you dump toxins; this will improve your health and lead to fewer doctor's visits. Also add some reflective practices such as stretching, yoga, or chi gong; these help support renewal by giving your body time to gently de-stress and deepen the changes you are making in your life.
  4. Consider a special and specific detoxification program. This could include substance avoidance (off sugar and caffeine, for example), The New Detox Diet, or a Juice Cleanse (with the warming of the weather), such as the Master Cleanser (lemonade diet), all discussed in my books and in several Articles on my website. Herbal remedies for detoxification can also be helpful.
  5. Renew all aspects of your Life. Go through your piles of papers, your clothes, and the corners of rooms in areas that haven't seen light for years. Don't be afraid to let go and let things flow. Give things away, have a garage sale, and recycle or re-circulate what you can. "Being simple, simply being." (Argisle-izm)
  6. Begin to gently; yet seriously, re-evaluate the key areas of your life - work (career), relationships, and health. Again, look at what undermines your potential in these worlds and allow clear guidance, suggestions, and actions to arise in your being. Try to be more aware of the subtle areas of life and the effects of foods. How does the food you eat make you feel. Increased vitality and improved health will change how you view your life and how much energy you have to create positive change for yourself.
  7. It is your healthy body that lets your Spirit fly more freely. Nutritional supplements (as the raw materials--vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and fatty acids) nourish and support your body and mind, and this in turn enhances your higher dimensions. The cleansing process de-stresses your body and lets your energy rise and awaken your psyche. Freshly squeezed juices and herbal teas are vitalizing, high-vibration nourishment. Sprouts from seeds and grains are live, vital food. Aromatherapy and smelling the beautiful sweetness of the spring flowers will soother your soul as well.
  8. Be Earth-aware and Earth-friendly. Be conscious of where things come from and where they go - and the real cost of products you use - such as plastics and chemical products. Re-use and Re-cycle. Support more earth-conscious businesses and products. How do you vote with your dollar?
  9. Cleansing habits to incorporate include deep and relaxed breathing, yoga-type stretching, dry skin brushing, and wonderful walks in Nature. When was the last time you de-stressed, downloaded and digested your life experiences to catch up to the present? After detox, people are usually more attuned and more aware of their habits, and have made long-term positive changes. It is crucial for most people in our busy society to take occasional food fasts (instead of fast foods), substance breaks, and even appliance (electromagnetic) and news/TV vacations.
  10. Do something that uplifts your Spirit, such as caring for a loved one or an elderly neighbor. Trust your heart and feed it joyful experiences. Put your Spirit on the line for what you believe. Doing for another is key to completing the circle of life, called Love. Building community is a positive change for Earth as well as for our Spirit.

10 Tips for Spring Cleaning

Dr. Elson Haas :: Physician - Healer - Author - Teacher ...

  1. Become Current in your Life in this inspiring season. Embrace yourself honestly as you look at all of your habits and areas of your own life. Even with all the worldly concerns, care for yourself and your loved ones. Assess the various aspects of your life to see where stresses or weaknesses exist, such as in your diet, exercise program, work or relationships as examples. Focus on the ones that need improvement.
  2. Look at your personal relationships and see how they affect you and how you affect them. Include your significant other, friends, or relatives to go along with you in a Spring Cleansing diet for their own good and for your support. For my cleanse groups, I find that personal support is extremely valuable for many people to achieve the success they want.
  3. Choose three habits that inhabit and likely undermine your health and life. How and when did they begin, and are you done with any? Which ones are most important for you to change or incorporate to create a healthier you? Do you need help or can you do this on your own? Mine are to eat more lightly at night so that I can digest more fully to be less full, to take more time for stretching and yoga, and to create with some other experts a nutritional plan to reverse some calcium plaque I have in my coronary arteries. It's easier to give stuff up if you start something new, like breathing more often, walking, dancing, romancing, and overall, making more time for health.
  4. Clean and organize your home. This is the season of Nature New Year in clearing out the old and bringing in the new. I love this feeling of looking at my desk, my closet, and every nook and cranny around my house and office, and wanting to freshen it all. And it is a good way to stay out of the kitchen (which also gets cleaner along with my frig) and look at other areas of my life. Of course, after all my years of accumulating and with all the communication and journals I receive, it is harder to handle everything in my existence as it was in my earlier years of cleansing. Yet, I do what I can and sometimes have my support team keep moving things forward and recycling what we can. Then, my life feels and looks cleaner and lighter at the end of my Spring Cleaning, and has space for the new to land.
  5. Get outdoors and exercise. Move your Body! Stay Fit and Stay Healthy. Friluftsliv is a Norwegian term for healing and de-stressing by going outdoors and exercising in the free and fresh air. Hike and explore your neighborhood and extended community or find a place you have heard about and wanted to visit. I love the lightness and easiness I feel when I am cleansing, and my body feels more flexible and able to do my aerobic exercise. A yoga class is a good experience to expand our flexibility. Breathe and relax as well. Play flute, dance, and make time for romance. Remember, it is Spring!
  6. Look at your dietary choices. What do you choose to put in that mouth of yours? And what do you fuel your other mouths, with those areas of energy intake, like your eyes, ears, skin, and heart? Write down a few days of your typical diet, then assess it and write a new plan based on your knowledge of what is right for your body. You may also wish to take a break from the TV, news, violent movies, and stressful people while you are purifying your life. It is good to have a reference by taking a break, even with substances like caffeine and sugar (See The New Detox Diet book), to see how you feel and what level your dependence is on your favorite substances. I can assure you that it feels good to release yourself from those habits.
  7. Next look at your Emotional and Spiritual aspects. How do you feel usually? Are you low or depressed? Or more positive and energetic? Ideally, we can feel a wide range of emotions based on our daily life experience and not dwell on one particular emotion, which is the real problem. Embrace the whys of moods and energy levels with greater honesty of your true feelings. That is the beginning of healing feelings. And I can tell you that many factors ranging from your diet and digestive health to your early childhood learned behavior patterns influence your mood, energy level, and emotions, and thus your Spiritual Well-Being.
  8. Do some Cleansing or Detox Program for 1-3 weeks this Spring. This could include juice cleansing, the New Detox Diet, or a period off sugar, chocolate, sodas, milk products, wheat, or whatever you believe undermines your health. To do this successfully, it helps to write out a plan and focus on what you will do and will eat, and not what you are leaving out. Make a list of your good foods, shop for them, and have them available whenever you are hungry. And drink lots of good water.
  9. Now we can look at your Nutritional Supplements. What are the best ones to use during a detoxification diet? I suggest, with a food-based Detox Program, a simple age- and gender-appropriate multivitamin/mineral along with additional antioxidants that include Vitamins C and E (mixed natural tocopherols), and selenium as the basic supplement plan. Also helpful for most people are herbs that stimulate bowel function, and blue green algae (like Chlorella or spirulina) for energy and Detox support. I also suggest drinking plenty of water and herbal teas. Calcium and magnesium before bed can help with relaxation and sleep or a buffered vitamin C formula with those minerals plus potassium help to alkalinize and cleanse the body.
  10. Make your Overall Plan and Commitments. Begin by looking at the key areas of life, such as with overall Health and personal habits, Love and relationships, and Career or work. And if LOVE moves into all those areas, that is all the better as you will care for yourself and your life, plus your relationships in a positive way. Human love is temporal for many, yet love in the Spirit is everlasting. We are all blessed to share this garden, this Earth, which needs our Love and Protection. We must take the time to Nurture Nature, in order to Nourish and Flourish.

URBAN ATABEX Spring Equenox 2011

Spring is a time to let go of resentment, of anger, A time to nourish ourselves, A time to realize our dreams, our passion, A time for play and embracing our Inner Child.

We plant nurture and water our seeds of affirmations with love for self and the planet. Opening up to new beginnings, as we become a force for love, kindness and world peace.

Spring Affirmation: Love, peace and joy is my reality. I am reborn with every breath I take. I release the past joyously. Life is sweet and so am I. All is well in my world and so it is!

Join us on our Spring Fast From March14 to the 20th, for health and Peace on the Planet, and come celebrate the Spring Equinox …


Ending Racism and Violence in Our Lifetime


Hosted by The United Confederation of Taino People

There will be Guanara (a sweat lodge Ceremony),

For more info. and to RSVP:

Sunday, March 20, 2011 10AM- 8PM 141st at Brook Park,

Bronx, NY (6-train local to Brook Ave. Walk north to 141st)

The equinox marks the first day of Spring, when day and

night are equal, and begins the season of rebirth and

renewal for the Earth. It is a time for us to so the seeds

we would like to harvest later in the year and to connect

with our inner child. There will be a

Earth meditation and ritual to honor the Equinox.

Please Bring food to share, instrument ,your love for Self

and the Earth Mother and all her children. For more info. or /


Thursday, March 3, 2011

Infinite Possibilities

I have no attachments to any past regrets, resentments and or hurts.

I release all thoughts of concern about the future.

I am open to the realm of infinite possibilities.

The Earth Mother's presence guides me and opens me to all that is good.

I say yes to all this day brings and more.

Thank You Mother/ Goddess

For your light, harmony, peace, prosperity, guidance and love.

Today as everyday I rejoice,
embracing this perfect day in the moment.

And so it is, Blessed Be!